Cat Fanciers of British Columbia

About Our Club

Cat Fanciers of British Columbia was founded in 1957 and was initially affiliated with the American Cat Fanciers Association. Their first show was held in 1958. In June 1979, The International Cat Association (TICA) was formed, and the club changed its affiliation to TICA.

CF of BC usually holds two shows a year: spring (May) and late summer (August).

A percentage of the proceeds from every show is donated to a local cat rescue organization.

Officers & Members

Our officers & members for the current show year are:

Susan Marshall - President
Gillian Huber - Vice President/ Secretary

Graham Marshall - Director
Beth Ritland - Director
Karen Ruskey - Director

Fred Barrett - Member
Christa Chapman - Member
 Lana Frantsishko - Member
Lesley & David Grainger - Member
Julie Hillsden - Member
Kayla Irmscher - Member
Carol McGannon - Member
  Lucy Robinson - Member
Cornelia Schofield  - Member
Charlene Smythe - Member
Aniko Vig - Member

John Burch - Honorary Lifetime Member, Deceased
Bonnie & Peter Bouwman  - Honorary Lifetime Member,Deceased